
Showing posts from November, 2019
Mason Freburger 11/25/19 1. According to Jared Diamond, what are the three major elements that separate the world’s  “haves” from the “have nots”? Guns, germs, and steel. 2. Jared Diamond refers to the people of New Guinea as “among the world’s most culturally diverse and adaptable people in the world”, yet they have much less than modern Americans.Diamond has developed a theory about what has caused these huge discrepancies among different countries, and he says it boils down to geographic luck. Give several examples from the film to support Diamond’s theory. Discussion of  people   dwelling  in the Middle East and all of their  resources   compared  to the  enormously  small  amount  of  assets   provided  the jungle areas of New Guinea, and how having  more   food   sources  and the  ability  to  store  them led  humans  to  become   more ...
Mason Freburger  11/20/19 Japans Population  1.  Two fundamental aspects of Japan's aging crisis is,  One aspect is the increase in the proportion of the elderly in the total population. The other is the slower growth of the population, arising directly from the declining fertility rate.   2.  By 2030  one in every three people will be 65 or older, and one in five people 75-plus years old                so that would be 33%  of the Japanese population will be elderly  people.  3.  Japan's aging population is by the latter having a direct impact on economic growth by reducing the labor force which is a major factor in production.  4. The Japanese Government is attempting to  address  the labor shortages by  encouraging woman to join the work force. 
Mason Freburger 11/15/19 The Theory of Population   1.According to Malthus, the  typical  nature of all animated  lifestyles  is to  look at  the  reasons  which have  until  now delayed the  development  of mankind  in the direction of  happiness and to  take a look at  the  chance  of the  total  removal  of these  reasons  in the future. Also to  observe  the  consequences  of one  cause  united with   man. 2. The Positive checks on Human population growth  are extremely various, and include every cause, whether arising from vice or misery, which are contributes to shorten the natural duration of human life.  3. He says that the  population  will double itself  each and every  25 years,  increasing  in a geometrical ratio. That's the geometric  increase i s the population. T...
Mason Freburger  11/14/19  The One Child Policy  1) A policy   carried out   via  the Chinese  government  as a  approach  of controlling the population, mandating that the  significant  majority of couples in the  country   ought to   only  have one child.  2)  Official program  initiated in the late  Nineteen Seventies  and early ’80s  by using  the central  authorities  of China, the  reason  of which  was once  to  restrict  the  remarkable  majority of  family   devices  in the U .S.  to one  child  each.  3) It  was  enforced at the provincial  level   threw  fines that  had been  imposed  based totally  on the  earnings  of the  household  and  other  factors.  4) It  decreased  the f...
Mason Freburger 11/13/19 Global  Fertility  Rate        In the 1960's the fertility rate globally was once five lives births per women. By 2017 it had fallen to 2.43. While the world is anticipated to add more than three billion humans by way of 2100, that will  possibly be the excessive point. While the global average fertility fee was once nonetheless above the rate of replacement—technically 2.1 young people per woman, in 2017, about 1/2 of all nations had already fallen below it, up from 1 in 20 just 1/2 a century ago.    In France it went from 2.9 in 1960 to 1.9 in 2017. Here is a quote from someone in France, “Having teens forces you to be extra efficient. Before having children, I would often continue to be late in the evenings. I find that when you manipulate a team, being a boss that doesn’t stay too late removes some stress from people—it’s a movements that is pretty wholesome for everyone. After my 0.33 child, I wen...
Mason Freburger  11/12/19 50.4 percent of the world’s population is male and 49.6 percent is female The number of older persons in the world is projected to be 1.4 billion in 2030 and 2.1  billion in 2050, and could rise to 3.1 billion in 2100 Children under 15 years of age represent roughly one quarter of the world’s inhabitants  China has the most population  The world’s population aged 60 or above is growing at a rate of 3 percent per year
Mason Freburger 11/10/19 Don’t Panic The truth about population         7 billion people live on this planet       At the 1800 the population became 1 billion        People in Bangladesh don’t know what birth control is or a condom so they will just keep having baby’s.          In Bangladesh each women usually has 7 babies       Average women would usually have 5 babies but now it is decreasing to 2.5 babies per woman.        1in 5 children died before they reached 5 in Bangladesh       There are more adults than children in the world
Mason Freburger 11/7/19  1. Somalia 2. Ethiopia 3. Kenya 4. Madagascar 5. Tanzania 6. Mozambique 7. Ewatini 8. Lesotho 9. South Africa 10. Egypt 11.  Sudan 12. South Sudan 13. Uganda 14. Rwanda 15. Burundi 16. Zambia 17. Zimbabwe 18. Libya 19. Chad 20. Central African Republic 21. Democratic Republic of Congo 22. Angola 23. Namibia 24. Botswana 25. Niger 26. Nigeria 27. Cameroon 28. Equatorial Guinea 29. Gabon 30. Congo 31. Algeria 32. Mali 33. Burkinafaso 34. Ghana 35. Togo 36. Benin 37. Morocco 38. Western Sahara 39. Mauritania 40. Senegal 41. Gambia 42. Guinea Bissau 43. Sierra Leone 44. Liberia 45. Djibouti 46. Eritrea 47. Tunisia 48. Malawi 49. Guinea 50. Comoros 51. Sao Tome and Principe 52. Côte d’Ivoire
Mason Freburger 11/5/19 Population      Global Population is increasing because population is rapidly going up  by a decreasing death rate more rapidly than birth rate. There are three  components  of  change  births, deaths, and migration.  The  change  in the  population  from births and deaths is often combined and referred to as natural increase or natural  change. The progression of population has changed because not much people have been dying and there has been a lot of people being born. The impact of TFR and LMR of how the population just keeps growing more and more every day.