Gods and Goddesses Poem

Mason Freburger

Gods and Goddesses Poem

         There were many gods in Greece that people worshiped. The people of Greece thought these gods were capable of doing anything because of the power they had. Little did the people know most of the Greek gods were myths and never existed. The Greeks also believed that there was 12 gods and goddesses that ruled the universe on top of Greece's Mount Olympus. They had gods for pretty much everything like Poseiden was the god of the sea, Aphrodite was the goddess of love.  The most powerful god was Zeus he was the ruler of heaven and earth. Zeus was also the god of the sky, weather, thunder, lightning, law, order, and justice. Zeus was known for his temper when he was mad he hurled thunder bolts. Zeus had 54 children. Athena was his daughter and she was born out of Zeus's head. When she was born she was fully grown and armored. Some people today still believe in other gods and goddesses other than the actual God.


    1. This looks and reads just like a paragraph in prose form. Did you realize that you were supposed to write a poem for this assignment?


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